This Week on MV: where are you from?
Maeve Rice: Here, well not born and raised but we live here. but right now Lets just say Cambridge
TW: how did you get into bartending?
MR: In College
TW: Then you came here? have you always bartended at the Shanty?
MR: I worked here last year so this is my second year at the Shanty. Before that I used to work at the Atlantic
TW: whats your favorite thing about bartending ?
MR: about bartending? I like the customers. The ones that sit at my bar. I like talking with them.
TW: Whats your least favorite thing about bartending? the customers lol?
MR: I guess thats true lol good answer
TW: Whats your craziest story from behind the bar?
MR: I don’t really have any?
TW: Really? ok,, ever meet any celbrities?
MR: yeah, I served Jake gyllenhaal…Anne Hathaway. I met Obama at Nancy’s and at the Atlantic. I once served Adam Sandler
TW: Wow, a lot of them. what is your best drink here?
MR: Probably the Bloody Mary, Its got Shrimp. Its very popular especially on Sunday …Sunday fun-day
TW: What about frozen drinks?
MR: We have a new one this year ..the Frose’
TW: Whats in a Frose’ ?
MR: Strawberry mix, rose a ilea which adds a little bit of flavor to it. Its delicious
TW: What about kids? you have kids all over the place here. How do you deal with that?
MR: It’s great. They are allowed to come up on the downstairs bar and get like a Shirley Temple or other non alcoholic beverages. Its really fun.
TW: Have you ever ended up dating someone you met behind the bar?
MR:That I met here? I have definitely dated in the industry but I can’t remember any specifically.
TW: You mean you don’t kiss and tell?
MR: Exactly!
TW: So how is it working at the Shanty. I hear they have a very loyal staff that returns here every year. Were you lucky to get a spot behind the bar?
MR: Yes and I kill two birds with one stone because I have my family here, so I come home and work here and see my family.
TW: So you don’t have to find housing?
MR: Right, I have that covered
TW: And you can yell at the landlords if you want lol.
MR: Exactly!